I just saw this animated series and after a long time, I could appreciate both the animation and the script. It was a whirlwind! and to think that besides just creating these character they went on to making each an individual with his/her own set of emotions,reaction,mannerism etc. was refreshing!
The storyline is simple:
There are the Humans. While they exist there is an on going battle between the Angels who belong to the Guardian Force and the Demons. While the Humans are unaware of their presence, these forces fight and the battles vary.
Each episode is to do with Humans and their environment. Their choices and what makes them bad or good.
There are no bad people, just good people who make mistakes.
The Guardian Force is a battalion filled with Angels who fight off the Demons.
Now why do they have to fight them anyway?
Well ya know when things all of a sudden go wrong and you can't explain it?
And then you have to make a decision: the right or wrong one.
The Demons are the one edging you towards that wrong decision, making you doubt yourself and your beliefs.
About this time is where an Angel steps in and takes over, by fighting this Demon. All in all, it's the battle that goes on inside your head and how you're willing to deal with it. Though the Angel is fighting for you and is trying to defeat the Demon, it is you at the end of the day that makes the choice.
Do you wanna listen to your Angel? or
Do you think your Demon has something better to offer?
It was good to watch something that made so much sense on so many different levels.
It was definitely an action series. That is just one layer though, there is the story of the past and the lesson we learn by fighting our Demons.
There are forces, definitely, good or bad I'm not sure. But there is something that gives us our answers and something that even makes us do things in a moment of weakness.
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