Monday, July 20, 2009

nicknames:what happens when the 'H' goes missing.

It's come to my attention that i have waaay too many nicknames.
Lets start with my first, which is the nearest and dearest to my heart
1. Pooch. My dad came up with this while cooing at me when i was three days old. They have never used my actual name.
Which is Shruthi...but thanks to the fact my parents removed the 'h', there have been vairations... My name is Sruti (no 'h')
so moving on.
2. Srooti...u cutie... (really...?)
3. Sruti...Frooti.
4. Shruths... there is no 'h' people!
So that turned to
5. Sroots. (thank you jammy)
6. Srutty... and the inevitable
Now 7 nicknames for one me, is quite alot.
Sigh... All because of one alphabet.

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