Friday, May 15, 2009

A conversation.

R: It's not working Pooch.
Me: :| what do you mean?
R: I don't know dude, it's changed.
Me: After 4 years?
R: I think it's fading.
Me: Maybe you need to think it over.
R: No, it feels different... sigh.
Me: Hmmm,I think you need to breathe and think about it all.
R: I dunno. :| How you been?
Me: Eh... 
R: What's wrong?
Me: I think I'm scared.
R: Why? 
Me: Dunno just scared. I over think everything.
R: You really shouldn't. This is a good thing Pooch.
Me: Sigh, I know. That's why I'm scared. I'll screw it up!
R: Just breathe.
Me: Isn't that what I said? 
R: We're both in the same boat huh?
Me: Yep. But mine is better.
R: Loser!
Me: Ha ha. 

Note: this conversation never happened but maybe it did in another form. 

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