Friday, September 28, 2007


time is running out.
run down the hall
and skid and fall.
but get to class on time.

submit those assignments and start the next.
waste not, want not.
want not anything.

no paper, no pens.
no pencils, no erasers.
no concepts nor ideas,
no visualisation!

make me blind... so i know the meaning of colour.
make me deaf... so i hear the truth.
make me communicate.

walk through the corridors; up and down.
why take the lift?
reason unknown.

life on each step,
life at each floor,
life through the walls and doors

mindless musings and future ideas.
neurotic ravings and eureka screamings.
what's the difference?

sitting here looking up...
making up as i go.
not much sense and hardly any coherence
but thas why it's called blah.

1 comment:

akshay said...

i remember when the lines would just come... you know 'making it up as you go' ... but the rhymes been stamped out as has the innocent coherence and flow of thought...i can see the reflection and some i dunno if this is the word for it... but angst..