Monday, November 5, 2007

heartbroken vows

Watching from afar its quite clear that I
Feel so many things for just one person.
Up close I see details,
I see the cracks, I see the crookeds and I see the faults and lines making up the face I love.

I see myself in these eyes full of questions I’m dying to answer. I’m waiting to be his answer, to be the one he chooses and not the random girl; who listens to his woes and helps with his goals, who sits awake at night and smiles while I hear that face that I love smiling with me.

I’ll wait all I can; waiting is so hard when the face that you love, that you see and that you know looks at you… but doesn’t love you in return.

When will I be ready to face it all and look into those eyes…those eyes with the questions?
And tell them I’m the one who has the answers, the one who will find them if I don’t and be there if their bad to hold his hand and tell him it’s ok.

I’ll wait all I can, but waiting is so hard when the one person who means something to you doesn’t know what you mean to him.

I hope he realizes before its too late, that I am his answer and he will and has always been mine.

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