Monday, May 11, 2009

chivalry is not dead, but it's not free either

It seemed so unreal when he said "i'll pick you up and we'll go for dinner."
I thought wow,i asked if i had to bring money to pay for the fuel he laughed and said no. maybe i've gotten so used to getting everywhere on my own that i've forgotten that guys actually do pick you up and drop you and at some point pay for you. Had I become so dependent on myself... or should I say self sufficient?
I have now read four books (i've been home only three days, yes i am an avid reader) and all of them had some woman who got rescued by a man or helped out by a man or always had a man to see them home safe. I thought wow, these guys are stupid, that girl can get by on her own. Then I stopped. Oh hell!

i. was. stupid.

I started thinking of all the girls i know. They all seemed as sufficient as me. They never needed a guy to drop them home but they always had one. Someone to walk them home safe. Now this never happens to me because i realised i had made myself so self sufficient that i didn't see the need for a guy to walk me home. Instead i carried a rock in my pocket.
Take me to a movie? Uh... and spend that much money , no thank you!
How about dinner... i'll pay? What's the catch buddy...! 
I opened up a book filled with beautiful women, women who always had a man by their side to protect them. Protect? No these men were simply... Chivalrous. 
It was in their nature to walk a girl back home, open a door for her, give her their jacket when it was cold and not grumble about it. 

It still happened i noticed but not that often. Not that often at all. 

Chivalry was an art. An art that men had forgotten how to practice. The sheer lack of it has made woman not tougher,they were always tough but their edges aren't so smooth anymore. 
So when he said i'll come pick you up, i was elated. I felt like a girl! 
He didn't even hesitate! Or made a deal about the distance he even offered to drop me back. Chivalry i thought, you're still there. I was about to msg and say something nice like how touched was that he was making the effort to come pick me up. then i got another message, was he messaging to say that he will also pay for dinner or take me out to the beach(my favourite place)?
I looked at the message with my breathe held. As i read it all that air gushed out of me. "can you meet me half way? I don't feel like driving so far" 

Well it had to happen.. heh heh 


Maya said...

some men i know say why we still look for chivalry when we are such feminists who believe in equality.
i say to them, just because we're equal doesn't mean we don't feel special when a guy shows that he cares.
sigh! it's a dying "art".

pooch said...

yes it really is a dying 'art' they should have classes as to why a guy has to be chivalrous!

Naman Saraiya said...

I cycle back with you walking.
And, by no way am I trying to say that I'm chivalrous.
I could be, if required.
But, as you say, it's you!

pooch said...

yes u are one of the few chivalrous guys left!
i do admit.
But if there were more of you out there, it would help
