Saturday, June 7, 2008

Monkey lulu

"I want that one." said the little girl, her mother looked at the toy and made a face. It was an ugly little ragmuffin of a monkey.
"Why do you want that one darling? It's looks rather shabby."
T he little girl looked up at her mother, "Mummy, if i was left on my own and no one took care of me, i would look like that ?" Her mother looked down at the little girl. "I suppose so, yes. But you are never going to be left alone." the little girl continued, "Yes, but this monkey was. Shouldn't we take her home and let her be happy too, like me?"

The mother was utterly surprised by her daughters words. They were so innocent and true. even if it was just a doll, it meant something, it obviously seemed to give some sort of joy to her little girl.

"Well, alright, come now, take the doll and lets pay up for it."

Once outside the store the mother asked, "So, what is her name then?"
"Monkey- monkey lulu." said the girl as she clutched the shabby monkey close to her with a big grin on her face.


Samyuktha P.C. said...

Nice. I am in a sighing fit. Therefore, sigh! :) Lovely story.

pooch said...

why a sighing fit mon ami?

thanks :)