Friday, June 13, 2008



this is unusual but i like to make it an open thing:
i have a new house mate.
his name is Norm.
he is a cockroach.

yes it is true.
he lives in my bathroom drain and comes out to say hi whenever i use the facilities.

at first it freaked me out. i do not approve of cockroaches. they are vile and generally it freaks me out to know that the world will soon become filled with many Norms'(no pun intended) because while we die due to radiation they will very much stay on this earth and live on.

but now i'm quite used to his presence. he doesn't do anything really. he stays near his home (the drain) and only pokes his head out when i enter and says hi and then goes about his business, whatever it may be.

i don not approve of killing any type of creature so that is why this cockroach has been spared. and since he thinks it's very normal to hang about i have named him 'Norm'.

he is no more scared of me but he knows i dislike it when he tries to be extra friendly (coming near me and attempting to climb my leg for a hug) so he steers clear of me, just a friendly hello.

i like the fact that we can share the facilities on such amicable terms. otherwise it would be quite awkward if i do say so myself.


Samyuktha P.C. said...

Reminds me of Charlotte's Web. Read the book as a kid and fell in love with spiders ever since. And to express love, I used to sit in my bathroom and watch them spin out their webs. Marvellous creatures. The days in bathroom taught me to love lizards and cockroaches too. he he... a love for Indian bathrooms, home, and friendly crawling creatures. Hi to Norm from me. :)

And sighing in quite a happy state. Filled with work, writing away for a lot of things. :) Glad with life.

How are you?

pooch said...

heh heh... ya in india we don indulge in the spider but the cockroach lol...

norm is good. :)