Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Drum Roll Please

It's almost time.
As i write this...history is being made.
Maybe it's not the type of history that will be in encyclopedias or textbooks, but who wants that anyway. right?
I mean history for us, for those who have worked and slaved, this is just a stepping stone but it's one of great significance.
What is going on...?
Well FundaMental... My fest... The fest that is the glue that holds us together, is almost up on the web.
This great tradition started by our seniors not only brought everyone closer together but also created a new environment for a designer...or design student shall i say.
Designers think...they hypothesize and then they Create. It's brilliant; almost explosive.
FundaMental also lets our roots grow. Quite frankly our roots to college may be deep but this gives us something more.

And now it officially begins
- Late night meetings
- Screaming contests
- Mocks of all events
- Budget, Budget Budget!
- Animation...anyone? (cricket sounds in the background)
- Volunteers (You've been branded!)
-Slave drivers
- Sleeping at 2 in the morning
- waking up 45 minutes later to check something
- OH MY GOD moments

The elephants have landed... do you copy...the elephants have landed!

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