Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm not sure.

it was a dream, she thought.
She was awake and she looked to her left.
He was there, eyes closed in slumber.
A small sound of sleep escaping his lips.

She got out of bed wrapping the quilt around her.
What a dream!
No one around, all lost.
She-- she was lost.

A quiver passed through from spine to toe.
She looked over her bare shoulder at the figure on the bed.
'I almost lost you.' she thought.
' lost me?' came a whisper of a familiar voice.

She had spoken out loud,
' Oh yes! I almost lost you!' she cried and ran back to bed.
She re-told her story, while he looked up at her melancholy figure.
He pushed a stray strand of her hair away and looked into her eyes.

'You could never lose me.'

he held her close and whispered.

'If i ever got lost. It is you and you alone who will find me.'
She blinked and lay down, falling asleep instantly.
he smiled and soon was asleep himself.

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