Wednesday, August 13, 2008

check list on life.

so i really haven't written in awhile but i have been meaning to write this

the things i wanna do with my life

1. be a photographer

2. travel around india by the time i'm thirty

3. every two weeks of the year take my mom and go abroad to any place we feel.

4. own my own design firm.

5. be a cartoonist

6. get into a top university in animation.

7. speak two foreign languages : german and french

8. speak three indian languages: malayalam, hindi and tamil.

9. own my own apartment with a loft.

10. write for samas media labs as an official member of their staff. (dunno why but i have an awesome feeling about that place)

11. Sing on open mike night at soul

12. spend a weekend in pondicherry with my SLR and get good pictures

13. teach.

14. have a dog and a cat

15. spend a year in kerala with my family.

16. go to kabul

17. get laser eye surgery cos i'm sure by the time i'm twenty five i will probably go blind.

18. manage to drink five amberro beers without barfing at the end of the night. (oh wat a night that was!)

19. buying my parents a house.

20. buying my mom and becky their house for when they grow old and senile.

21. get to know my cousins.

22. go on a road trip with all my freinds

23. learn to sky dive.

24. have a kick ass boyfriend who is...well kickass man!

25. play the drums for a band.

ok no.24 shouldn't really be considered... it's jus the blond in me.

it is not in this order that i wanna achieve these things...i don know either..

but it shall all happen.


Anonymous said...

hehehe ...already mastered that one ...
and 24. isnt stupid at all..!!

and you are too old to be making lists man.... make it happen ! stop yearning !

Naman Saraiya said...

With me in your life, all of this will happen!
And, I know... You're saying to yourself.
"With him, nothing is going to happen!"
But, interesting. Except 24.