Monday, May 26, 2008

when your guardian angel talks to you for the last time on earth.

so what if i can't?

don't make me.
it's just not possible for me to see it.
it's the ending that scares me.
i don't want to reach it just yet.

no, i'm not a coward
why would you say something like that?

yes, i know it happens to everyone...the end.
but i just don't need it right now.
i don't need an end, i need a beginning!

yes yes, every end starts a new beginning.
i don't want a NEW beginning, i want my beginning.
then i can avoid the end a little longer.

i know it's suppose to
i know... i just...sigh... there is so much i didn't do.
so much i regret, i'm not suppose to regret anything.

i need a little more time, take me back to that day.
you know which one, where i knew.
i want to change that, will you let me?

what use will it do?!
how can u ask that?
so much may change... and the end.
well it will
but i won't regret it.

take me back please.
or show me what it would've been like if i had changed it.
can you do that?

yes, i like this.
this is...wait...
he looks so happy...
but why...
can't he see?
oh no! no please!
tell him! tell him to stop!
why can't he hear me?!

is this what would've happened?
your not just teasing me now are you?
the pain is so real. i...i...i didn't know.

i would've have regretted that too.
there was no good outcome, was there?
it had to end one way or another.

ok... i see your point now.

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