Friday, January 18, 2008


what is it that breaks things up?
bad foundation some say, other say it's bad luck, some just put the two together and then it becomes...hanh good foundation but bad luck or vice versa.

arre yaar! i want a bloody it so hard?

i ask friends but they say nothing is really broken up you think too much...khis khushi mein??

now the thing is,i think ,i can't help it.

what else am i suppose to do when there is nothing going on!?

i'm a mind wanderer or to be more precise i'm a mind nomad. i have thoughts that are very focussed for that moment then they go. ta ta bye bye.

i move on to the next thought.

lately my thoughts revolve around friends and their issues. i've come back after one and a half months and in that sock span(yes sock, so little material but with so much purpose) of time so much has happened to everyone, including moi.

my friends have formed two different groups, when did this happen? i ask. oh yeah you weren't here na, lucky you.

huh? why didn't you just talk it out? i ask. what is there to talk about, it won't help. they are like that only, so why bother?

argh! are they mad? this was my group of friends who just 2 months ago would say that they hated it when no one out right said what was on their mind.

this was bad. very, very bad. what happened to my coolio(yes i'm lame) friends, people who would just hang out, talk, have toast and butter and listen to cold play.

hmmm..time for me to glue things together, right?


so here goes.

i talk to one friend and then another and before i know it i'm sitting in a balcony with my legs folded on a strolly chair giving out advice and listening to everyones problems. all inter related hanh, one friend talking about another, wondering why this happened and what should be done and all. but no one willing to tell the person (tsk tsk tsk)

so i put in my two bits worth and strangely i become close to them, extremely close. i hear things that no one has and see things that no one should.

my best friend seeks my comfort and i'm happy to give it to him my other friend seeks refuge in the form of another friend and slowly things are coming together. i can see the sands of time change and can tell the difference in mere days of my oprah winfrey move. a friend who i lost is slowyl warming to me again, very slowly but at least there is some movement.

a big event is going to happen soon and this time the change is going to be mind blowing. i can't wait.

change is necessary for all of us, it is only bad if you see it that way. i am my groups mascot. i firmly believe in that and have been told that.

since i have returned i have done a little which thanks to my very sensible friends has accomplished alot.

so maybe they are right, maybe things aren't broken just a little cracked.

i'm happy.

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